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2015년 3월에 발표, 2015년 4월 10일에 출시된 Galaxy S6 Edge는 Samsung의 최신 주력 스마트폰 곡선형-스크린 버전입니다.

238 질문 전체 보기

My phone doesn't turn on!

I have samsung galaxy s6 edge and it's not turning on.It just stays on SAMSUNG and when it opens to download custom OS and every time I go to restart it's just stays at samsung and when I go to download,it will just stays at the screen of the Android character.It says it dowloading but it will just stay like that.I tried to hold all the buttons but it turns off and when i turns on it is staying on samsung.Please someone help me!!!!!

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you need to load the OS using ODIN

find and download your ROM here


Download ODIN here


Then follow the steps here to install a ROM



Bring it to a professional to properly load the software, in order to prevent bricking your phone

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