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Second generation of Wi-Fi iPad, released on March 11, 2011. Model number A1395. Repair is difficult and will require heat.

250 질문 전체 보기

touch not working after battery replacement


I have a iPad model A1395 with defect battery. So i replaced with new battery and tried to charge it and it works fine. But then i want to test the touch before i mount the screen back with adhesive... now touch not working and only home-button is working.

Shouldn't the screen work while it's open like iPhone screens when its not completely closed?

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Hello Ibrahim Ibo, If you opened the iPad there are ribbon cables to make the touch sensitivity work i recommend that you reseat the cables inside the iPad then try again if this doesn't work clean the connection then try again.

Hope this helps


Update - the cable should look a little like this

Block Image

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can you please show me picture of this cable?

tried to disconnect the cable at both ends, still no responsive :(

have you tried cleaning the gold connections on both ends such as the Logic board connections and the ribbon cable connections

what can i clean with? 100% alcohol?

I wouldn't pour it directly onto the board but put just a tad bit on a cotton ball and just dab it onto it that should work just fine then let it dry for around 15-30 minutes don't wipe it because then you can risk damaging the connections

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When opening the iPad did you accidentally tear the flex cable for touch glass? Inspect carefully.

If all looks good. Try slowly bending the touch glass around while touching and see if you get a response at a certain bend.

Next make sure the touch flex is properly seated in its connector on the logic board and that no pins were bent

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Block Image

Block Image

There you go, i taked two pictures. One of the Home button component, and one of the 2-pin over the charger-component

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Make sure the cables are not torn or ripped, they can rip pretty easily. If they are damaged purchase a new screen, they're relatively cheep. If they're not damage take the cables out and put them back in again. There is a white line on the cables

Block Image

make sure the white line is parallel to the plastic screen connector. Also make sure the latch on the screen connector is closed.

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