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Unibody가 아닌 Core Duo & Core 2 Duo 프로세서

376 질문 전체 보기

3 beeps, does not start

I've had this laptop for a very long time, I replaced the logic board, screen, keyboard, fixed the light...

Everything was working just amazing before the "El capitan" update, then my computer took a huge dump.

I could not use my keyboard nor the mouse to even log in, it would not work... not even a connected mouse. I went to apple, they couldn't figure it out. Then I took it to another place and they could not find the problem, but this time, now I can't even turn it on. It beeps 3 times... so I decided to do it myself, got the 1 TB SSD, replaced that, found a missing ram, replaced it with the 4GB and changed the disc slot for a secondary SSD (empty).

Upon opening the top, I found that the bluetooth box was corroded, and there was white corrosion all over that side where the hard drive sits. (Can that cause beeping?) There's no way my logic board is fried after spending 1000 dollars on a new one... I've read that the El capitan update basically reconfigured the board... is this true? If not can it be fixed?

Any advice would help. I've pretty much replaced almost every part, so I don't even know what to do anymore... I refuse to give up on this baby.

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Corrosion is never a good sign. You need to clean every component and board. Use isopropyl 99,9 % and clean everything. Corrosion kicks in anytime something is for example shorted on the board.

Then you can try the Macbook Pro.

3 beeps could mean a bad or lose RAM chip. So check if they are insert correct. Clean and try differt slot.

I feel bad for you for spending so much money and understand your not willing to let it go. But to get your Mac fully working again if cleaning doesnt work you need to measure Paths on your board to see whats

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Yea I took it in today, and turns out that the one old chip was bad, so since we got that out of the way... the fans ran, comp is turning on but not getting anything up on the screen yet. So I am hoping that he'll be able to check the board.

I refuse to let this computer lol! I have too much time and money I invested lol. Late 2008, pre unibody....

No ones gonna take it from me lmaooo

We got it running, logic board again. Te previous repair guys must have shorted it, i had a feeling they did. But heres the kicker, Both ram doesnt work on this thing. So the 4GB ifixit ram card doesnt work and neither does the old one. So he gave me one to use temporarily. I can say, i am typing from the mac right about now and %#*@ it feels good!

Good for you

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3 beeps could be ram or a dead MCP on the logic board. What year is this?

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Yea the 3 beeps are gone now since we pulled the old ram chip. Now it's time to clean and test. Screen wont gone on yet and if he has an issue, the other logic board is on it's way.

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