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1.6 또는 1.8 GHz dual-core 프로세서, 2 GB 또는 4 GB SDRAM, 64 GB 또는 128 GB SSD

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Running without battery, looking into ways to bypass the underclock

Hey, so my good old MacBook Air been serving me well through those 7+ years. Surprisingly, but it's still working perfectly fine... aside from battery, which just died of old age a couple months ago. It wasn't doing much good before, and then I discovered it works just fine without.

Eh, that's even better: I don't really need it anywhere beyond my bedside, connected to charger, and now it's almost twice lighter than before. Also it no longer overheats like crazy - yay! And not like I have choice anyway, since battery's expensive and, living in Russia, I can't get my hands on it by means other than ordering it from eBay and risking getting a brick instead.

The only problem being it works slower than it used to. Still tolerable, but really on the edge of it. I only need it to run video, watch streams, read twitter and such. But now pages open way slower than before and anything beyond 2 tabs will snap out of RAM and load again, streams won't run unless at 480p, etc.

Now, I've found a few solutions suggesting to move some system files (System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext, to be specific), but all examples of it working I've found were around 2013 year and about MacBook Pro. But just leeroying ahead and trying it blindly seems risky to me.

Can anyone verify it still has a chance to work in newer OS?

Right now I run 10.12.6 Sierra, and not updating it for a while because not sure it's a good idea without battery.

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Here's the specs for your series of MacBook Air: MacBookAir4,1

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Basically the kext file integrates the SMC services to the OS. So you've basically killed SMC. I won't do it either.

So what to do?? Replacing the battery is not that hard nor that expensive. Here's the IFIXIT guide: MacBook Air 11" Mid 2011 Battery Replacement and here's the needed part: MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011-Early 2015) Battery

As to your question on what you can run for an OS: Your system supports the very latest High Sierra. I would point out if you only have a 2 MB model you may want to get a newer SSD to gain some additional storage space to make up for the lack of RAM if your SSD is quite full.

The 64 GB SSD really needs half of the SSD free and the 128 GB will need about 1/3rd.

MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011-Early 2015) Battery 이미지


MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011-Early 2015) Battery


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Thanks! Well, replacing a battery is not hard for me per se, problem is I can't get one. :( So that's unlikely to happen any time soon and I have a few more months to go with what I have. My SSD is fine, it's about empty anyway, I don't store stuff here - 20 GB out of 64 are free and not much to be used for other than temp downloads. I have my main PC connected through smb:// so I can use my whole 8 TB freely :) The lack of RAM is a bigger issue, indeed - it's 2GB model and over a half is busy with system, and just couple tabs are usually enough to take everything else, so it's 1 app at a time. That kinda sucks, but as I get it, there's no way to upgrade RAM so I guess that's something I have to just deal with.

Maybe its time to get a new system (used or new)

Not a chance, unfortunately :( No job for a while, can't spare money on stuff that is not absolutely needed, so am stuck with whatever I had before. Anyway, thanks for advice.

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