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The Kenmore Elite HE3 is 7.2 cu. ft. capacity electric dryer by Kenmore.

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Why is my gas dryer not working properly in normal cycle?

I have about an 8 year old Kenmore Elite HE front load gas dryer that is having issues in normal cycle. When I put dry towels in it, only 1big towel and 1 hand towel, it starts at 41 mins, it runs down a few mins then jumps down to 19 mins then 5 mins then 1min in about 5 min time span. When I soaked the smaller towel, ringed it out by hand, and dampened the large towel, it started at 41 mins then ran down to 8 mins in the proper time length then jumped up to 12 mins ran down a couple mins then up to 16 mins. I have never had normal cycle to jump up or down on the timer. We have cleaned out the filter in front of dryer, cleaned inside of dryer of lint, cleaned dryer hose of lint and vent on roof. They are all clean now and still having issues. The first time this happened I thought I forgot to turn it on so I turned it on and walked away. The next time I thought that I did not put enough time for them to dry, not an overly big load. It took about 4 normal cycles that took over about 4 hours, not knowing timer was dropping the time, and I still had to hang my clothes in the bathroom to dry so they would not mildew and so I could go to bed. We had a repair man come out already and he said that nothing is wrong with it jumping down on the time but I know something is and I’m frustrated at the repair man. What could be going on?

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Mine works with several temperature sensors wired up to the circuit board.

All the timing & switching is done by the circuit board.

The sensors must be tested with a thermometer, and a multi-meter for varying resistance.

I don't know how the new machines test for dampness. Mine has a special sensor in the exhaust to test humidity. If the exhaust needs cleaning, it will run longer.

There are also safety-limit-switches (a temperature sensitive ON/OFF switch) to prevent cooking your clothing. These must also be tested with a thermometer, and a multi-meter.

It sounds like most everything is working. The drum turns, burner ignites, blower kicks on, exhaust is free, heat&cool cycles correctly. Only the timer seems wacky.

Does it smell? (over heating will stink) Did he take anything apart ? How did he test it?

He said " nothing is wrong with it jumping down on the time".

Thats true, its called the cool-down-cycle, which is normal operation.

The easiest fix would be a new timer, then a new circuit board. Fairly easy and quick to do.

If that doesn't cure the problem. Then test & replace the faulty sensor(s). That will take some time, plus you must move the machine, crawl around, stand on your head,,, you know how that works ;>)

Maybe you should 'ask around' a few other repair shops in your area. The BigStore guy is trained to install & replace major appliances. Diagnosis is a experience-learned trait.

I like gas appliances. Please keep us apprised of the repair.

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I think the timer is what is not allowing the clothes to get dry. Do I need to open up the control panel to test it and do I need a special tester. I may need to get someone out to do this. I’m not that experienced at any of this.

Yes, you must open the dash, to see the circuit board.

Yes, you will need a multi-meter, insulated screwdriver, plus several others.

NO, I cannot recommend you to do this. In order to test it, it must be running.

Now we have exposed a hot burning furnace, a fast-spinning steel drum, razor-sharp edges, a live circuit board, and 110volts of dynamite.

Did I miss anything ?

Surely you can find an independent repair shop.

This not a casual D.I.Y. project. You could get hurt.

But, here's what you can do.

You need; a kitchen clock & a fast-oven thermometer.

Toss in a wet bath towel to dry.

Set to dry as as you described the problem.

Watch the clock until the furnace first shuts off.

Quickly, stab the towel with the thermometer, how hot is it ? ,

remove it, shut the door, re-start.

Note the time & temp. It must spin-blow-dry until the temp drops to...what ?

As soon as the furnace kicks back ON, stop it and check the time & temp.

As soon as the furnace kicks OFF, stop it and check the time & temp.

It will do this .. what?.. 2,3 times, till its dry ?

Now call the dryer-doctor. Show him your test results & our conversation.

Don't be surprised if he asks you to test it again !

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