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Apple은 2015년 3월 9일에 Retina MacBook 2015 모델 A1534를 4월 10일에 출시한다고 발표하였습니다. 새로운 유니바디 구조 및 업데이트 된 트랙 패드, 키보드, 그리고 Retina 화면을 포함합니다.

281 질문 전체 보기

How to fix keys that are hard to type because of soy sauce spilling?

Basically, my friend accidentally spilled soy sauce on my keyboard and I had to clean it and also dry it. However, many keys don't really type well. It is very hard to type words because I have to press it hard. Then it will type.

Is their any way to fix this problem?

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Hi! This happened yesterday to me, and I found a way to make it better than before. By now, you probably have fixed it, but this is for people that have the issue now.

I spilt soy sauce on my Keyboard yesterday. I took all the sauce out by tipping the keyboard 90 degrees and wiped out the Soy Sauce. It didn’t feel bad yesterday, so I let the little sauce that was there rest overnight.

Today, coming back to it, I immediately realized the Soy sauce had done something to the keyboard. After about an hour, I had it with the keyboard, and I took some water, and poured it on the keyboard without taking the caps off. After pouring in the Water, I shook the keyboard, and tipped the water out. After doing this twice, still some Soy sauce inside, I wiped out the water.

I love the keyboard now, it has a little more damping than it did before. It has no smell, and the typing experience is so much better than before.

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답변 2개

There is no real way to fix a butterfly or clean the keyboard in these systems when you have a sticky salty spill like Soy Sauce. The spillage has clearly gotten under the keys and you can’t take the keys off to get to the mess without damaging the keys.

Sadly, you’ll need to replace the uppercase assembly MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case with Keyboard and here’s the guide Retina MacBook 2015 Upper Case Assembly Replacement

MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case with Keyboard 이미지


MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case with Keyboard


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Rubbing Alcohol should do the trick, use a toothbrush and just clean the keyboard

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