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The Google Pixel is Google's first flagship phone, released on October 20, 2016. The 5-inch AMOLED display device comes with 32 and 128 GB storage options and is available in three colors; Very Silver, Quite Black, and Really Blue.

104 질문 전체 보기

What sizes of tape do I need to replace screen?

I want to replace my vibration motor and I see that I'm going to need some tape/glue to put the screen back.

Since I live in Brazil, I'm having difficulties finding some specific adhesives, like the ones available on iFixit website.

So I'm gonna have to buy some double sided tape. What sizes do I need? 2mm and 10mm?

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I usually use 2mm tape, you can use bigger tape also. Might be easier for you to get a blade and just cut the outline

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