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2016년 3월 Samsung에서 출시되었습니다. 모델 SM-G930V.

426 질문 전체 보기

Newly replaced screen only shows top of screen, purple lines

Hi I am replacing a screen on my samsung galaxy s7, tear down went smoothly and phone was assembled perfectly. When i powered on the phone the bottom half of the screen is black no picture, but the top if the screen shows the battery indicator, sim info, network signal, ect. Below the indicators on the top of the screen are two purple lines, below those lines nothing but black. The touch sensor is working as when i slide my finger up i can see the clock moving at top of the screen. Is this new LCD damaged? So I should return it for another, or is there something I am missing?? This is an expensive LCD so any help will be greatly appreciated!

Also all connectors are secure, cleaned, and re-fastened multiple times to ensure connection is not the issue.

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Its a faulty screen or was broken during installation. I new screen should work.

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