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7.9 inch display / Model A1432 / Available in black or white / Announced October 23rd, 2012 / 16, 32, or 64 GB capacity

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How to remove screen once been glued down after repair

hello we have had a mini ipad fixed last year and been sitting in cupboard, they had to glue the screen down as it kept popping up in a corner.

but we now have a problem with a section of the screen not working at all, so need to get a new part but how do i remove the screen now that it has been glued down?

annoyed with local repairers what to buy the equipment and have a go myself have replaced batteries and screens on iphone already.

thanks for the help.

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Well I use a hot plate to heat up the iPad to 80°C then I use a razor blade to start lifting up the glass a bit from the side then slide a thin plastic flexible card with either ethanol or 99% isopropyl alcohol on it and slide across the edge only (never go too deep in, you can scratch the LCD or damage the antennas at the bottom.)

There is also a guide on how to remove the front panel glass:

iPad Mini Wi-Fi Front Panel Assembly Replacement

Use the images of the screen as reference to how deep you can put your prying tools (plastic card etc) in.

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hi thankyou for your help, noticed people have said hot plate, now is that just hot plate like in kitchen? or is there a piece of equipment i need to buy?

It's a piece of equipment that can be bought. Usually in a form of a heat mat or looks like this


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