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2015년 3월에 발표, 2015년 4월 10일에 출시된 Galaxy S6은 Galaxy 라인의 다음 주력 제품입니다. 곡선형 스크린 버전은 Galaxy S6 Edge로 알려져 있습니다.

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Why can't I hear during phone conversations

I can barely hear during phone calls. The other person hears fine. I can hear on speaker but I do not like others hearing my conversation. How can I increase volume while making a phone call?

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If I answer with my ear piece than the other side hears me good. If I put the call on speaker then all is oke to.

The problem I’m facing is that when I make a call normally then the other side can not hear me but I can hear everything very well.

What can be the problem?

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Hi @Bram Sukul

Use a strong light and a magnifying glass to visually inspect if the voice inlet hole on the bottom edge of the phone is blocked with lint etc.

If it is (or you can’t tell) use a vacuum cleaner to try and clear it. Do not use a pin or probe as it may damage any components that are behind the hole (usually the microphone).

If you still can’t be heard after doing this then there may be a problem with the phone’s microphone. Usually with most phones (you didn’t state the model number) there are at least two microphones. One for “normal” voice calls and the other when using the phone in loudspeaker mode.

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Here are some troubleshooting fixes that may be able to fix the problem.

Check to see if all of your Apps are up to date.

Clear the Application data and cache.

Clear the phone cache.

Check to see if your phone's operating system is up to date.

Check the volume levels in settings.

Then you may restart your phone in Safe Mode.

If the problem continues, you may need to replace the earpiece on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

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