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The Wii U is a video game console paired with a handheld device made by Nintendo that allows users to play games on the GamePad. Repairing the console is straightforward as the device is very modular.

193 질문 전체 보기

Why is my Wii U gamepad only charging for a few seconds?

Everytime I plug the charger into my gamepad it only charges for a few seconds before it stops charging.

The charger port on my gamepad is loose. Could this be the problem?

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It could be the problem. The first thing to do is to always replace the battery first, as it is the weakest link. Then, I would open up the housing to see the damage on the charging port. If the new battery doesn’t fix it, and the charging port seems damaged, then it will need to be soldered on. If you are unsure of how to do this, I would give it to a repair shop and see if they can fix it

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