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2015년 3월에 발표, 2015년 4월 10일에 출시된 Galaxy S6 Edge는 Samsung의 최신 주력 스마트폰 곡선형-스크린 버전입니다.

238 질문 전체 보기

Looking for pinout of battery connector on motherboard

Hi, I could use a bit of help, if possible. My phone (S6 Edge) went into salt water and then quickly died. My goal at this point is to hack the phone back to life just long enough to do one final backup. At this point I have disassembled the phone and cleaned the salt residue off the board with a soft toothbrush and alcohol.

Here's a picture of the main board where the battery attaches. It appears that the saltwater created a short here and essentially melted the power connector. The battery connector (not shown) is similarly destroyed.

Block Image

My assumption is that there are normally 4 circuits between the main board and the battery:

1) +3.85V

2) GND

3) Temp sense (thermister?)

4) Temp sense

Unfortunately it's hard for me to tell what goes where because both connectors are so badly destroyed, but here is my guess:

Block Image

What I'd like to try (nothing to lose at this point) is to wire up these four circuits and bring them out to a lab bench power supply and perhaps a resistor to emulate the temperature sense.


a) Are my assumptions on +/- voltage connections correct?

b) Does the phone require a completed circuit on the temp sense pair?

c) If so, what is the nominal value of resistance on the temp sense pair?

Thanks to anyone who may have mapped out this part of this board....


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Hi Bryan,

Have you solved your Problem?

I am at the same situation. I have already bought new connector and a battery but during the desoldering I burned out one of the (maybe Temp sence at the butom left) Pad from the board and I have no idea how could I fix it if it is possible.

Do you think that the top and the bottom middle pins are pairs?

So maybe it is enough if just two contacts are bonding?

Best regards,


i added photos if they help

Thank you! That was really helpful! Than I have still chance to resolder it.

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the other 2 centre pins are no connect and other end side is ground

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

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Are you telling me the 2 center pads on the left hand side (bottom of your picture) trace to nothing? Strictly additional anchor pads?

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