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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

phone is disabled, but not counting down


I am trying to get an old phone 5c working for my sister who managed to mangle it pretty badly. Just replaced the screen, but apparently she forgot her passcode at some point and got into the disabled, please wait X loop. So I go to power it on, and it has been stuck at "please wait for 4 hours 23 minutes" for about twelve hours now, and will sometimes count down to 4 hours 15 minutes, but always returns to 4 and 23. The clock also is not counting, and fluctuates between 2:54 and 3:02. Tried removing the sim, rebooting with the top and home button, restarting, and nothing. I connected it to my computer and when I view the storage it says 110mb free of 14.7gb so it is fuuuuul. She would like to keep her pics etc, and says she remembers her passcode, which I don't believe, but I'd like to try and get the countdown to start counting down. Any suggestions? Prior to my replacing the screen last night, the phone had been in a drawer, discharged for maybe 4 months.

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Alright so having it plugged into a pc also allows the clock to sync so I left it plugged in until it counted down. Passcode didnt work so I just reset the phone with itunes. Thanks for the help!

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You will need to put an active SIM card into the phone and reboot it. This will get the clock to sync up with the carrier and it will begin counting once again.

I hope this helps,

Charlie b

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Thanks! I'll try that next, but I did notice that while plugged into my pc it started counting down. If this doesn't work I'll try my sim next.

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Have your sister reset her passcode. You can plug it into iTunes and go to the help chat. If that does not work you will need to hard reset the phone. To hard reset plug the iPhone 5C into your computer with iTunes open. Get to the screen where it asks for the passcode. Hold down the "Power" Button at the top and the "Home" button at the same time. Keep holing them after you see the slide to power off device screen keep holding. Wait until you see the "Apple" symbol to show up on the screen. Then release the "Power" button but keep holding the "Home" button. Release the "Home" button when you a screen with a lightning cable and an iTunes logo show up. Then go to your computer it should say iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode you must restore this. You must back the phone up before going any further. also it would help if your sister signed into her account. After you back up the phone click Restore. There may be an option to Restore and Back up the phone.

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Exxonchavez I can confirm your answer works - I did exactly the same too, took out the sim and powered down which didn’t work. I decided that I had to erase the phone through DFU mode, and soon as I plugged the lighting cable into the PC the phone started charging and the clock started counting and the disabled minutes went down! Pressing the home button gave me the Enter Passcode screen. The clock no longer was pinging and ponging backwards which prevented the disable minutes from decreasing - the time was stuck around 12:09. At least I can now sync and copy the data so the backup is recent. Take home message, plug in the lighting cable into your PC, it allows your clock to work.

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