I have an old 3Ds that is not working with the new games I bought.

I have had this 3ds since mid 2011, now in 2018 it still runs ds games and the 3ds games I got soon after the 3ds itself like a dream, but recently I bought 2 new games and neither of them are playable. Game number 1 is Pokémon moon, it has the icon show up but when it is selected it has in subtext on the top screen; “UPDATE NOTICE: an update is available for this title. launch it while connected to the internet to start the update process.” I launch it after using the connection test and it has a pop-up saying “this game card could not be read”. Game 2 is Super Mario 3D Land, it doesn’t is similar, I can put it into the reader, but there is no icon that shows, it is also a bit stiff when you take it out of the reader, and it seems to rub an catch on something like it’s too large for the slot. Game 2 was preowned. I have plenty of free space on the SD card. I bought these two games on the same day, is this just bad luck or is there something that is wrong. Thanks for your help

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