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The Microsoft Lumia 535 is a Windows Mobile smartphone developed by Microsoft Mobile. It includes a 5-inch display and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera.

28 질문 전체 보기

How to open FoxPro files on my phone?

With the help of complex manipulations, I learned how to open FoxPro files on my phone. This forced me to work. I often have to make data "on the go." But I can't solve the complexity for several days already. I can't open the file because of an error that the file is not recognized. But I'm sure that before I had no problems with this file. Guys, I hope that you can offer something.

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I don't have enough experience in searching for solutions or articles on the Internet. But I had to use some search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing and what I dug up there. Foxpro dbf repair for phone as I found out from contacts of this resource , group of programmers created it, but I'm afraid of doing it immediately, because it is new thing for me.

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