screen is coming lose on my blade stealth

screen is coming lose on my blade stealth

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What do you mean by loose? Is the hinge detaching? Is it falling down? I need more information to help you.

@reedcrosby i have the same issue and I️ have done some research, the problem is that the computer when I️t gets hot, does not ventilate as the average laptop would. What happens is that the heat rises through the top lining of the display and computer back. In the research someone said that the rising heat was separating or melting the glue that holds the screen to the computer back. An example of what is happening is on Reddit where another user had this same issue. The picture is on the link . Hopefully this will help you help us and clarify the situation. Thank you!

that images looks totally messed up man

that's some poorly build quality from Razer honestly

might have been better if the component are rigid like the apple's all round metal Macs

applying super glue might help

provide images for the lose part

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