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모델 A1278, 2012년 6월 출시. Turbo Boost가있는 Intel 프로세서, 최대 512 MB DDR5 비디오 RAM

1626 질문 전체 보기

After battery replaced, saying replace now

I just replaced the battery in my laptop 3 weeks ago, following all instructions for installation and calibration to the letter. Today, when I looked at the battery bar, it's saying "Condition: Replace now". I literally just replaced it, what's going on?

Update (07/30/2018)

I purchased a battery from iFixit that was specified for my laptop: a MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2009 to Mid 2012) Replacement Battery / Part Only

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Who’s battery did you use?

Lets double check things, download this gem of an app CoconutBattery. Paste the snapshots here so we can see. Do one with the charger connected and one not.

Update (07/30/2018)

Let’s try resetting the SMC to make sure there’s nothing still in it that’s messing you up How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac Did that change the message?

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That does not appear to have worked.

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