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Apple의 MacBook Air 13" 2015년 5월 업데이트에는 5 세대 Intel Core i5 및 i7 프로세서가 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

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Wifi card not detected

I have an early 2015 Macbook Air (A1466) and the wifi card isn’t being detected. It doesn’t come up with the “Wifi Hardware not Detected” error, there’s no wifi symbol up top (No battery icon either actually), just nothing. It doesn’t appear in system info, Network preferences or in the list of “-listnetworkservices”. Just nothing.

I assumed it was a dead wifi card, but I have replaced it and still nothing showing.

Could their be a fault in the motherboard or is it something simple I’m missing?

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Best option is to check your installed version of osx on mac and search for latest update if available install them some times outdated version can leads to such kind of issue

If I reset PRaM the Wi-Fi card then appears but it goes again when goes to standby!

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If the resets suggested don’t bring any positive result, first thing I’d try after having backed up all important files is a clean system install. Invisible battery and wifi point either to a somewhat heavily messed up Os install or to a hardware issue. However, unless the Mac suffered a liquid damage in the past, a fault involving battery and wifi at the same time is quite uncommon in my experience.

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Just to be sure, let’s do SMC and PRAM/NVRAM resets to see if that solved the problem.

How to reset the SMC, PRAM and NVRAM on a Mac Laptop

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