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2016년 3월 Samsung에서 출시되었습니다. 모델 SM-G930V.

426 질문 전체 보기

What soldering iron and solder would be best for this circuit board?

I am currently trying to solder a new charging port onto the Samsung Galaxy S7 however my solder iron is too big and this is also the issue with the solder itself, what would be the best solder Iron to use for this kind of circuit board and what size solder should be used?

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Any decent soldering iron will have interchangable bits, and you want a 1mm bit (or smaller). I’d suggest getting some 0.5mm solder. You can get it in small quantities as well as full reels on eBay. We have a few tips on microsoldering in the Restart Wiki at https://wiki.restarters.net/Surface_moun...

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