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2011년 10월 24일 출시 / 2.2, 2.4, 또는 2.5 GHz 쿼드-코어 Intel Core i7 프로세서

405 질문 전체 보기

I would like some advice on Logic Board Replacement.


My 2011 Macbook Pro has died! I have already taken it into a computer repair shop, thinking it was a battery issue, but they could not get a complete circuit through the logic board. They told me there was nothing they could do.

I am quite keen to try and replace logic board instead of buying a new computer out-right. Would I need to match the same specs as before? i.e. if it was a 2.4 i7 would I need to buy the same one? And does the graphics card sit on the logic board too? I wouldn't want to replace the whole logic board to find out I had an issue with the graphics all along.

I would appreciate any help you can offer

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Despite the fact I loved these 15” A1286 probably more than any other earlier and following 15” Macbook Pro, being at the end of 2018 and having seen countless numbers of boards gone bad because of the graphic card, I would warmly discourage you from putting money into a replacement board..it’s not a matter of reliable source, it’s a matter of unreliable boards. Places like eBay are literally packed with such machines, all with the same problem, and prices are getting lower every day since people who will reliably be able to replace graphic chips are just a handful in the entire globe versus a countless number of scammers. In few words, avoid A1286 quadcores ! Just my two cents..

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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What a nightmare!

What model might you recommend looking into? I would like similar/better specs than the 2.4 i7

@maxwellsweeney Even though you will probably get a 2.4 i7, shoot for a 2015 model. It's worth it because well, MagSafe, ports, no butterfly keyboard, and much more. I currently have this computer and it cost me about 1,799 USD at Best Buy.

@arbaman @ajcooke01 Excellent. Thanks.

@maxwellsweeney If you can settle for somewhat lower specs I'd look for a board such as 820-2850 i7 2,66Ghz late 2010, they're fast enough for casual use, have a decent graphic card and they're reliable. With an Ssd drive and at least 8Gb RAM it's still a nice and fast board and would fit your machine. Otherwise you'll have to go to the next generation retina Macbooks 15" A1398.

@arbaman hmm that's something to think about. Thanks.

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@maxwellsweeney Sorry bud, but I think your MacBook Pro is totaled. Getting a new logic board would cost you from 400 to 600 USD and in the end a new MBP will run better and smoother in the end. (plus a used MBP from 2011 on eBay costs around 300 USD anyways…) Just steer clear of those pesky 2018-2017-2016 MBP redesign models as those are probably the worst computers Apple has ever made. Sheesh, that was rough because I am an Apple fanboy myself. Just get a 2015 MBP, I got one very recently to use as my main computer and it works like a dream!

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Bummer. What a pain. I've only just replaced the battery and upgraded to SSD too!

What is wrong with these newer models, btw?

Well this would be a fine answer if Maxwell had asked for your opinion. You sound like a shill for Apple. Do the work and actually answer the question of what boards will work in his machine. BTW check out the upgradability of your machine and his! Also what is the price difference in case he cracks the glass on his and you crack the glass on yours. Be very careful offering opinions, he may not know you are 14.

@maxwellsweeney Lets see here, USB-C, butterfly keyboard, inconsistent bezels, no escape key on Touch Bar models, too high of a price, throttling, oh my!

@mayer I would have said what @arbaman said but I thought it was to much words.

@maxwellsweeney If there were reliable parts out there I would have recommended them to you but because iFixit is out of stock on both 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz Logic Boards I just recommended a new machine because eBay parts are a roll of the dice.

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Late 2011) 2.2 GHz Logic Board

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Late 2011) 2.4 GHz Logic Board

@mayer there, happy?

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