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27" 화면 2560 x 1440 픽셀 해상도 Thunderbolt 및 MagSafe 케이블 부착물

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No display of the screen but I get power in the cord.

After a year of not using my 27” Thunderbolt Display, i plugged it in and get only a black screen. However, i do get the mag safe plug to charge the laptop. “Green light comes on” I have tried the screen on another laptop as well as my Mac Pro. Same results. I have 3 options to replace… Power cord, Logic Board, or Power Supply Board. What do i replace without spending myself silly?

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In addition... Plugged in USB to the screen and it gets power but does not register on the computer. Guessing this will end up being the logic board if the power gets in and all the way to the USB "Located on Logic Board" Any help is appreciated!

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Here’s how Apple recommends trouble shooting it:

Get help with video issues on external displays connected to your Mac


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Easiest and least expensive replacement would be the all-in-one cable. I think that is worth a try as it does not cost a fortune and it does not take much experience to replace.


Apple Thunderbolt Display Thunderbolt & MagSafe Cable Replacement

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Replacing the Power Cord didnt change anything. The Laptop can be powered with the Green light on but still no life to the screen.

@horwitzach Phooey! Sounds like a Logic Board issue then. Next step would be replacing the Logic Board.


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