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2세대 iPhone. Model A1241 / 8 또는 16GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면. 첫 번째 iPhone보다 수리는 더 간단하며 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구 그리고 흡입 도구가 필요합니다.

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Error 1015

i tried upgrading only to be told "a problem occurred and could not upgrade error 1015" my screen reads displays connect to itunes.what could be done? im Eugene, Ghana..

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Well you have not told us much about your iPhone 3g. You said you were trying to "upgrade". But often 1015 means you were trying to actually downgrade your iPhone 3g. A possible reason is because you have a iPhone 3g with the iPAD baseband 6.15.00, is this possible? There is no 3g firmware has a baseband higher than this, so any restore will be to a firmware that is trying downgrade your iPhone. Even the current 4.2.1 firmware has a baseband of 5.15.04, a number lower than 6.15.00 which would be downgrade. If you have the iPAD baseband you will need to use a custom firmware. These can be made with Pwnage Tool Mac or possibly Snowbreeze PC, and you will need TinyUmbrella too. This is all necessary if you have the iPAD baseband? So if you have the iPAD baseband, read about Custom Firmware, Jailbreak, Unlock, TinyUmbrella and SHSH.

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This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch’s software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state. Very rarely this error is caused by a hardware issue and requires service.


Step1: Set your iDevice into DFU mode. Connect your iPhone to PC using the USB cable, please make sure that your iDevice is fully charged. Hold Home button and Power button simultaneously for 10 seconds till the screen becomes black, and then release Power button. Continue pressing Home button for fifteen seconds. You’ve successfully set iDevice into DFU mode if you can see an iTunes logo on iDevice’s screen.

Step2:You’re suggested to backup this iDevice using 3uTools first. Choose an available firmware and click Flash to restore your iPhone. Keep a good network connection between iDevice and PC,and then wait until this process is completed.

You can check detail at this page: http://www.3u.com/tutorial/articles/815/...

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