Battery or logic board issue in JBL Xtreme? EN(US) - PT(BR)

My JBL’s charging LEDs alternate every time I turn it off. Yes, I know, when we are charging it, it oscilates between the current charge and the next charge level, but it is different. For instance, when it is turned on, it alternates between the third LED and fourth LED. Normal until now. When I turn it off, all the LEDs turn off and appear again charging, but alternating between fourth LED and fifth LED, like it indicates the battery charging is one level closer to 100% (what is fake), but when I start and then turn off again it may (or not) alternates between third and fourth LEDs again. I am not experienced on it, but I am suspicious that it may be a battery issue, or worse, a board issue. I am not sure if it is clear, any doubt and answer I will be pleased in feedback. Thank you.

As LEDs do meu JBL Xtreme oscilam entre três e quatro, indicando que o dispositivo está carregando. Até aí, normal. Mas quase sempre, ao desligar, o conjunto de LEDs se apaga, e reacende com uma indicação de carga diferente, oscilando entre quatro e cinco LEDs. E quase todas as vezes em que eu faço esse procedimento, ele aparece com uma indicação de carga diferente, como uma falsa indicação de carga. Eu não tenho experiência nisso, mas tenho motivos para crer que se trata de um problema na bateria, ou pior, problema na placa do dispositivo. Qualquer dúvida quanto a clareza de minha questão ou qualquer resposta ficarei feliz em dar um feedback. Obrigado.

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if you have full charge and use it until it is completely dead, is the LED still alternating/ Perhaps you need to do this and let us know the answer..

Yes. Before noticing energy issues (uncharging before the expected), I executed a full charge and used it until becomes completely dead. After this, the same situation...

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