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Alienware released the M17x series of laptops on June 2nd, 2009 as the first Alienware/Dell branded system. The M17x 788F is a first generation Alienware/Dell build and comes with an Intel Core 2 quad-core processor and integrated Nvidia GeForce 9400M 256MB graphics processor.

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Why is my keyboard not responding?

My “R” key and my “P” key are not responding anymore, no matter how hard I click them.

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Try re-installing Windows to rule out a software problem.

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A new keyboard is $20-$50 from what I can find on eBay just quickly Googling your laptop.

Possible scenarios I have encountered in the past:

  1. spill or other damage : the solution is to replace the keyboard here. Find the disassembly instructions probably here on iFixit. It should be simple.
  2. battery swollen, pinching flat-flex cable : this is really more of a MacBook Pro issue but sometimes the built in lithium could swell causing the flat-flex cable to become disconnected. This could also happen due to some rough handling of the laptop or heavy handed typing flexing the keyboard itself.

The solution here would also be to attempt a disassembly, then carefully check the connections for the flat-flex cable leading to the keyboard.

Hope this helps!

If you put any more info on here I can probably help more.

Here are some links to disassembly videos. I can’t actually see a link on the Alienware iFixit page: https://www.google.ca/search?q=Alienware...

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