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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, also known as PS4. First announced February 20, 2013 and released November 15, 2013.

1703 질문 전체 보기

Beeps only when eject button is pushed and wont power on

Model: 1215A

I’m having a major problem where you can press the power button all day and nothing will happen. No lights or beeps or nothing, but once you press the eject button, it’ll beep once but doesn’t light up… Now here’s the kicker…. I have to spam the eject button at least 4 times before I get the blue light to pop on only for a second and dies. After it dies, I can press the power button 4-5 times and get a beep and the last press of the power button, the blue light pops on for a second but dies again and I have to go back to smashing the crap out of the eject button before i can press the power button yet again.

I’ve already tried a couple of different tricks like pulling the cover off and cleaning off the top of the system. Heck, I pulled the power supply out of the system and cleaned it completely. Before I pulled the power unit out of the PS4, it would only beep once and i wouldn’t get a reaction out of it until i unplugged the power cord from the back and plugged it back in.

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Mine does that everytime I leave it unplugged for a day or more and I take a blow dryer and warm it up and then mine powers on everytime

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Since you can only power the console for a moment (1 second) it sounds like the power supply has gone bad rather than loose solder joints under the APU (processor chip) as explained below:

Try this fix if a replacement power supply does not work, if it works you’ll know whether or not the APU (main processor chip) on the board has loose solder joints to the board or not.

PlayStation 4 Turns On Then Back Off Repair

If that does work, it’ll fix the problem temporarily but it will happen a few weeks or more later. For a long term fix the APU needs to be reflowed properly or even better reballed from a reputable console repair shop.

Loose solder joints under the APU occurs from dropping the console or the console overheating due to dust build up.

Refer to this guide on power supply replacement:

PlayStation 4 전원 공급 장치 교체하기

Note: To order the right power supply, take the power supply out of your system and note the part model number engraved / printed on the power supply unit itself.

Image of where power supply model number is for example:


PlayStation 4 전원 공급 장치 이미지


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30 minutes - 1 hour

PlayStation 4 이미지


PlayStation 4 Turns On Then Back Off Repair



10 minutes

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I actually got it to power back on after two days of messing with it. Turns out it was the power supply. I pulled it out yet again and actually went into detail of taking it apart and putting it back together and sure enough boom. Powered on and hasn't gave me a problem yet. But I'm still probably going to buy a replacement power supply for it to be safe.

I'm having the same problem except now ive purchased 2 power supplies, one was the wrong one... and the 2nd is installed but doing the exact same thing. Blue light every other time you try to power up, then gm shuts right back down. I've tried hitting it on my knee, tried it on its side, and the price to reball... with? Any suggestions?

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When leaving my PS4 at home in my room as I left for university, I thought it would be safe. I came back a few days ago and I wanted to play some FIFA or Horizon, I plugged everything in correctly, when I pushed the power button no sound came out but the eject but made 2 quick beeps.

I hit the eject button multiple times buts still 2 beeps and nothing for the power button, I was gonna for 3 months, what must I do

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