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2009년 6월 출시 / 2.66, 2.8, 또는 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

301 질문 전체 보기

Why are black graphics flashing green?

After it’s been powered up a while, the graphics on the screen tend to flicker green.

The problem is intermittent and can sometimes be solved temporarily by restarting or putting pressure on the body over the speakers.

Can anyone advise on a fix for this?



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Pop the bottom cover off and inspect the LVDS connector is it tarnished or corroded?

Block Image

Ignore the red circle

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Hi Dan

Thank you for you reply. I've done what you suggest and can't see any corrosion or tarnish.

TBH I'm not sure what the LDVS is but assume it's the black and gold thing below your red circle.

Do you have any other ideas?



Take some pictures of the connector. You'll need to first disconnect the battery and carefully disconnect the connector it slides out like a letter out of an envelope . Post them here for me to see. Do make sure you've got good lighting and how the camera still to get sharp images. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

Thank you, I may not be able to do this for a few days. Also, I seem to remember that disconnecting the battery isn't straightforward, a bit fiddly, I changed the battery about a year ago.

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