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The HP Pavilion 15.6” inch screen laptop with clear audio, a powerful 5th generation Intel Core processor and a sleek, stylish design. This laptop is exceptional for web browsing, word processing, and other simple programs. It is identified by the following model number: 15-ab165us.

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How do I replace the battery charging port?

Some background: my laptop won't turn on whatsoever, no power indicator lights, charging lights, nor fans turning on. The device will not turn on or retain a charge.

I would like to know how to replace the battery charging port on my laptop. I had a free diagnostic done and they said that the port was physically damaged. They were not able to test if the laptop would turn on with a good battery because they didn't have an extra. Is there a way to use a multimeter to test the physical battery? How do you recommend I go about fixing the laptop?

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To replace the charge port on your model, it would take a little bit of work on your end, but it’s doable. Youll need to open your laptop to replace the port. Luckily the port is a cable that connects to your motherboard, so there is no soldering that needs to take place. If you are uncomfortable taking your laptop apart, I would take it back to the shop you went to.

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