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Unibody가 아닌 Core Duo & Core 2 Duo 프로세서

376 질문 전체 보기

A1261 display backlight failure

External monitor works so the computer is basically AOK.

Backlight went out at first, worked briefly each time the machine was closed and then reopened. Then total failure.

Replaced the inverter board, no change. My system wasn’t going to sleep when closed. I then replaced the infrared sleep sensor, backlight came on, for about a half an hour, then went off again and regressed to totally dead now.

I don’t understand why it came back on for that time but failed again as if that sensor board had something to do with it.

The system does sleep now when lid is closed (still no backlight). It’s been suggested that the CCFL are failing. I would like opinions about that and if it they need to be replaced. I also need to identify the correct tubes.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

Nat Childs.

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Sadly, parts for this series are getting hard to find and the CCFL’s are just not available.

If you can, locate a junker to steal the display assembly (complete). Replacing the CCFL’s will require a lot of work and not easy without breaking something.

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Do you think that the ccfl is likely at fault? When it came on its brightness was normal. I can’t make sense of the fact that when I replaced the sleep sensor it worked for half an hour before failing again.

Sorry, I haven't worked one of this older systems in quite a few years as between the lack of parts and costs its just not economical for me. I still think you have an inverter or wiring issue within the lid connections.

Also keep in mind the OS-X version this system uses is not very safe from viruses, malware & trojans which can expose you and your information to theft!

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