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20 iMac g5 isight new hard drive not recognized by disc utilities

i have 20" imac g5 2.1 Ghz With isight and i replaced the old malfunctioning hard drive and now it is not being recognized by disc utilities so i cant reinstall the O.S.

i checked all the cables they are all tight

i checked the new hard drive out it fully working and i tested the system w/apple hardware diagnostic tools and all passed

please help

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How did you test the new drive out?

i used apple hardware test it said all passed

i also ran wd diagnostic tolls on my pc

When booted from the system installation disk and you bring up Disk Utilities, is it seen on the left hand side? Tell me about the drive please, new or used and what model. Thanks

it shows only dvd burner no hard drives at all

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The steps you have taken should have worked. First I would install the old hard drive and see if it is seen. If so then your set up is good. I would return the drive and get another one. To be sure you get the right one look for a standard 3.5" SATA drive. Install the drive and then format it using disk utilities and then install a system.

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old hard drive is dead

i tried 4 new hard drives Sata 3.5" none can be seen with disk utilities at all

Apple iMac G5/2.1 20-Inch (iSight) Specs

Identifiers: iSight - MA064LL/A - PowerMac12,1 - A1145 - 2082

See if you can feel if the hard drive is getting power. If not consider replacing the hard drive power cable. If it is getting power, try replacing the data cable, Apple part # 922-6989. If this fails, consider putting a hard drive in an optical bay hard drive adapter and placing your optical drive in an external enclosure.

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