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모델 번호 A1238 / 80, 120, 또는160GB 하드 드라이브 / 검정색 또는 은색 금속 외형

906 질문 전체 보기

Is there a USB splitter available to separate charge/data functions?

I have an iPod Classic 160GB A1238 model. If I connect it to external power source it turns on fine and works. But it does not do that when I connect it to any other power device like Mac or PC. What that means is that I am not able to add an new song to it OR I can not take a backup of the 10GB data that exists on it.

Is there any USB splitter available which will allow me to connect it to external power as well as to PC USB port for data transfer?

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I think you'll need to check your setup as the iPod uses the same pins in the connector for power via USB.

What cable are you using? This model needs a USB connection to work properly, are you using the older FireWire cable?

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I am using the cable that came with the iPod. Also am connecting to a standard USB power adapter that Apple provides with the iPod. When I connect it to external power source (AC Mains), it powers on and works. It also shows me that the battery is fully charged. I don’t know what happens when I connect it to say a Mac or PC in the USB port. It does not come on, the screen flashes dimly and very infrequently. Obviously it is not noticed by ITunes running on Mac or PC in this case. That is why I am looking for some way of connecting AC Mains power and Mac/PC USB port at the same time to this iPod. Any suggestions welcome.

I don't think s splitter will help you here. Apple never offered one as its just not needed. You have a problem either with the cable or your PC system. I think is better to fix the problem than trying to walk around it. Keep in mind if the iPod cable is bad then a splitter won't fix anything as the problem is still present.

At this point I would get a new cable to see if that fixed the issue or you could try testing your PC systems USB ports using this tool USB Mini Voltmeter comparing what is happening between the iPod charger and the PC/Mac USB ports.

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You may need to use a Y-Cable and a FireWire Power Adapter. This way, you can charge your iPod using FireWire and connect it to your computer via USB at the same time.

It is difficult to find an official Apple Y-Cable, which is why I linked an off-brand version.

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The classic iPod is a USB only unit. Besides, the newer Mac's don't offer FireWire (2012 retina models and newer).

iPod classic (Late 2008/7th Gen)

The iPod Classic can only connect to a computer via USB. However, it can charge via either USB or FireWire.

This Y-cable lets you connect the iPod to the USB port on your computer and a FireWire power adapter at the same time.

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