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The tenth generation Ford F-Series is a line of pickup trucks that was produced by Ford Motor Company, it was sold from the 1997 to the 2004 model years.

84 질문 전체 보기

radiator fan turned opposite

my ford f150 ranger the radiator fan pushed the air out >>its 30l >the fan which we found in it >its for 40 l >i want the resolve

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حسين خليفة

what year is your ranger and what engine size is it? The fan should never turn opposite since it is belt driven

itse air out 2000 >>>the fan which on it is for 40l >it turn opossite and pushed th

the engine is 30l

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가장 유용한 답변

If the fan is electric then you just have to reverse the wires going to it. If it’s mechanical, then you’ll have to remove the fan assembly again, unbolt the fan, flip the fan over and rebolt the whole assembly back into the truck.

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