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2012년 10월 23일에 출시되었습니다. Core i5 또는 Core i7 프로세서. Apple Fusion 드라이브.

209 질문 전체 보기

power shuts down on its own

My Mac Mini has been shutting down on its own.

When I try to push the on/off button at the back, there are times that it won’t work and I have to remove the power cable from the socket and only after I plug it back in again will my system power up again.

I tried removing all peripherals, unplug the power cord and put it back again after a few minutes (I read that somewhere). But, I still have the same problem afterwards.

I wanted to try to do the PRAM reset by I don’t how to do it with a wireless keyboard.


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Lets collect a bit more diagnostic info here. Install this app TG Pro so we can review the systems thermals as I suspect thats the reason your system is shutting down. You'll want the full version here as you want to have it capture the event just at the point of the shutdown. The info is logged and can be reviewed afterwards. You might find some clues before that if the fan is spinning up to a high RPM.

Often times a very dusty system can cause the system to overheat. Also a bad heatsink or failing fan.

What you are running can also effect things as a heavy graphics game or apps can push the systems thermals.

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