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현재 단종된 Minolta 카메라 라인 수리 안내서.

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- Film photography - Pictures getting dark


I have some issues with my camera (or my lens, I don't know). A black slide appears on some pictures, always on the right. I put pictures as examples. I don't know where it comes from. My first guess is that the lens is somehow broken on some aperture, so maybe should I try to develop a film only for checking all for aperture, and see if it goes well.

Anyone experienced this issue?

Camera : Minolta X300

Lens : Minolta 50mm f/2

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Block Image

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Curtains! Your shutter is in need of lubrication.

What happens is the opening or closing curtain is not going across smoothly so the exposure is off on one side. Oftentimes you’ll here a screech as the bearing is dry. Here’s a vid that helps explain things Film SLR Shutter slow motion.

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