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모델 A1311 / Mid 2011 / 2.5 & 2.7 GHz Core i5 또는 2.8 GHz Core i7 프로세서

432 질문 전체 보기

My intel iMac's fans gets louder then usual

got mid 2011 21” imac, i disassembled it all (without removing heatsink), cleaned both fans and motherboard and installed everything back into case. Fans acting as usual on start, but then starts rotating faster, after 1 or 2 minutes. and even more faster and louder if im watching movie. If i close the movie - fans wont get back to normal silent speed(

Any guess? Thanks

Update (02/24/2019)

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You'll need to monitor what sensor is getting hot so you can address the problem.

Install TG Pro then post the main window so we can see the sensors (often times you need to grow the windows a bit so all the sensors are seen) 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

Have you changed your hard drive?

yes i did, i put the new ssd drive, but i did the same thing 2-3 times before with 21" mac with success (yes i know about thermal sensor in 27" macs hdd).. And btw i put back an old HDD and... same thing: fans getting louder and louder...

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If you haven’t installed the needed thermal sensor you’ll need to do that OWC In-line Digital Thermal Sensor for iMac 2011 Hard Drive Upgrade. Using fanControl software doesn’t really work that well and your system will not last as long.

Your system likely needs a bit of dusk cleaning after we see the TG Pro snapshot we can get into wants needed.

Update (02/24/2019)

I don't see any issues with the thermal sensors. So SMC is encountering a different issue. I'm suspecting you damaged one of the ferrite beads (L5500 through L5531) near the sensor connectors on the logic board.

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just updated my question with the screenshot

ferrite beads are fine, mb is fine, did a PRAM reset twice…(

TG Pro is working fine, but! its wont decrease fan speed when CPU isnt very busy anymore

im sad(((

OK lets see if we can get a hint from diagnostics. Restart the system and press and hold the D key. Did an error pop? If it did what was the error code.

Aaaand no diagnostics window. at all. :D long pressing D does nothing. just looong time classic gray screen and then it boots normally

Do you have a USB keyboard? Give that a try.

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Check if all the connectors are connected properly. But before that do a PRAM reset.

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