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Mac Pro First Generation는 Apple Inc.이 제조한 Intel Xeon-기반 워크 스테이션 컴퓨터입니다. 2006년부터 2008년까지의 컴퓨터가 1 세대 모델에 포함됩니다.

317 질문 전체 보기

MacPro First Generation not turning on after leaving it overnight

So, I bought this MacPro 1,1 in a non working condition (the computer would start up, but there would be no output from the monitor, and the diag leds only showed me that there was trickle power and that the efi is loaded) I think it was cause of HDD as it didn't have one. Anyways, this morning after leaving it off all night I go to turn it on and nothing. The power button wouldn't do nothing and the machine seems dead, already tried an smc reset, tried everything I could. The room I left it in was rather cold so could that be a factor? Does anyone have any idea of why it's doing this?

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The #1 failure on the first generation MacPro is the video card. The #2 is the power supply. Your symptoms would lead me to believe you have a power supply issue.

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@mayer The GPU seems to be working fine, I placed it into an old Dell Optiplex and it worked fine, and I believe the PSU could be at fault, is there any way I could further test if the PSU is at fault?

Not really, if you get no response from the power supply there is nothing I know to do but replace the PSU. In most failures I've seen on these is fails gradually. First with restarting on it's own and this progressively worse until it just won't start at all.

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