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The Ninja Coffee Bar CF080 brings espresso creations to your home with the press of a button. Born in 2016 by Ninja, its Auto IQ 1-touch intelligence allows for custom and signature brews. With convenient pod-free single serve.

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How do we get into the top of the machine?

What is the best way to get into the top of the machine, where the hot water sprays into the filter basket? There is hard water build up behind where the hot water sprays out. I would like to get it apart to clean inside the sprayer part on the top of the machine.

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the screws to remove it are on the inside (theyre the lighter silver of the 2 sets ). its the only way I found.. its a major pita bc you basically have to take the entire thing apart. I went ahead and cleaned everything while I had it apart..the hoses were in dire need as well. follow the instructions to remove water pump and then youll see the screws to allow the top to come free

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