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Apple은 MacBook Air 13"를 2017년 6월에 새로운 Broadwell Intel Core i5 프로세서로 업데이트하여 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

428 질문 전체 보기

Can I add another 8gb of ram?

hello, im new here so forgive me if this has been asked before a quick google search showed nothing so i came here. Can i add an extra 8 Gigabytes of ram (making it 16 gigs) to my 2017 macbook air 8 gigs isnt enough for me and i know it would probably be easier and cheaper to just buy a pro or something i just want to know if it could be ANY cheaper also would it be possible to add touch id i missed out i got it 3 months before the 2018 was relaeased because i was unfarmilliar with apples release schedule thanks!

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Sorry guy no options here! This series only offered 8 GB of RAM.

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Go to https://uk.crucial.com/ or the American site I recon is https://crucial.com/ at the top click Upgrade my device and then scan my computer

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ok, i done that and it said they do not have any upgrades for me but can i upgrade too ddr4 ram? it says its non removable but techinically nothing new that apple makes is removable iphone xs max diy screen replacement? non removble bt it can still be done any ideas?

Everything is removable depending who is removing it. A micro soldering guy can do that. The issue is can the machine use the extra ram and how much are you prepared to spend doing it...

@drfixit_tech - Lets not try to be brain surgeons in the deep jungle! All the MacBook Air's have soldered RAM, only the SSD drive is socketed.

Don't forget the logic board is limited to 8 GB of RAM by the limited address lines going to the PCH.

Exactly my point, expertese micro soldering experience is needed to change the RAM

Thats not what you started with, besides what are you going to put in? The logic boards address lines are not present for the upper RAM So putting it in won't offer access to it!

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