Why is my vita regestering an always held down R trigger input?

Ok, this takes a bit of explaining to understand exactly whats happening. I recently purchased a used Vita 2000 off Amazon about a month back. And everything was working fine till about a week, where I would randomly have my R trigger start holding itself down(input wise, i'll explain in a second). I tried a bunch of fixes, but they only worked temporarily. And now its just permanently doing it. But heres where it gets odd. The trigger itself is not held down(despite apparently regestering as such input wise), and also I can still press R trigger in game and it will register it, despite it apparently being held down already. Even weirder was I tried using the custom button assignment in options, and set R to be square instead. But after a little bit, it started happening again , as if R trigger was still mapped to R trigger(for clarity, this was tested by playing Persona 4 golden and seeing if the camera would constantly rotate right). So with this info, I was wondering , if anyone could find the source of my problem. I did open up my vita and clean it(which it obviously needed let me tell you), but otherwise I couldnt personally spot the issue. I did however notice the adhesive seemed to be worn away on one side of the trigger pad things(the part that is pressed down to actually send the input). Also my apologies on the wall of text, I wanted to give as much info as possible , also Im typing this on ps4, and it apparently wont let me space these out.

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