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Guides for the Wi-Fi version of the iPad Mini 2. Announced October 22nd and released November 12th, 2013. The iPad mini 2, also known as the iPad mini with Retina Display, has all the pixels of the iPad Air in a smaller 7.9" form factor.

221 질문 전체 보기

Any clue why there are ghost like lines that move with my swipes?

So on my iPad mini 2 I recently came across a problem where there are these lines that correspond with things on my screen (eg when I’m on my home screen I swipe to the next page and the vertical lines I have move with the icons), I want to try fix it but I really need to know what to replace. Any help is appreciated.

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

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It just looks like a bad lcd screen to me, but I' don’t know about any way to find out for sure besides replacing it with a known good one. If that doesn’t fix the issue it might be a more troublesome logic board fault. I don’t know anybody in repairs who could tell what the problem would be without opening and testing the device.

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Thanks, I’ll try replace the lcd

@pcitechie Happy fixing, hope it will be an easy one ;)

Oh and if it (very rarely) goes without the lines for a minute is that still an lcd/logic board problem?

@arbaman sorry for the ping

@pcitechie No problem. Lcd issues show in a variety of different ways, fading away image, lines, stripes, just name one. Yours really seems to be an Lcd issue, I wouldn't be overly concerned about the logic board at this stage.

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