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처리 속도가 빨라진 iPhone 3G 개선 버전. 이 기기의 수리는 3G와 유사하며 간단한 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. 모델 A1303 / 16GB 또는 32GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면.

1502 질문 전체 보기

Upgrade iOS 4.1 to iOS 4.3.3

Dear Sir:

I have a iphone 3GS recovered from jail broken and unlocked ios 4.2.1. Now after recovery, my iOS is 4.1(8B117). Every time when I connect my iphone 3gs to itunes, itunes pops up a window to upgrade to 4.3.3. As of today, I click "later" button. Is it safe that iTunes upgrade to iOS 4.3.3? Please help. Thanks.

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If you upgrade through itunes it will make you lose your jailbreak/unlock capability. You need to download ispw 4.3.3 and sn0wbreeze for 4.3.3 and follow the instructions it gives you.



This will make a updated file for you to load into your itunes and update your phone.

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can't I jailbreak 4.3.3 using jailbreakme.com and unlock through ultraslow from cydia ?

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Ultrasn0w has been abandoned since 3.X firmware. You can still download it from Cydia, but all it will do is cause your phone to behave erraticly.

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i have a iphone 3gs and i like to know how to update the ios 4.1 to 4.3 or 5 because itry to download apps. then the apps. cannot download beacause of the ios of my iphone is 4.1 and the needs of many apps. are ios 4.3 or 5.please help me to know how to update my ios step by step please reply.. thank you

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