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Released online on January 16, 2009, the Inspiron 1545 is a 15.6" budget PC laptop available with 3 or 4 GB of RAM. It succeeded the Inspiron 1525.

66 질문 전체 보기

Doesn't boot up - Hard drive failed?

I've been having troubles with the laptop for a couple months now in that it will randomly freeze, or it won't start up, up till now a few restarts and a startup repair has solved it, but a few days ago it wouldn't start so i went through the start up repair system, i left the repair window running for 3 days straight and nothing changed no problems found nothing. so i quit it restarted it and went into the boot menu, and started a system test (i forget exactly what it is called) but it tested everything on the computer and it only failed the memory test for the hard drive, not sure if this means the hard drive is scrap?

Any help would be great, if the hard drive has failed can any files be restored from it?

I would reboot it from the disk, but there are some files on there that i need...

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david, it does sound like your HDD is at fault and possibly has some read/write issues or a messed up boot sector. To get the files that you need of the drive, I' d try to start up from a rescue disk or your OS disk. You can of course also try one of the many Linux Live disk's (I prefer Ubuntu) and see if you can access the HDD. Copy the files to a USB drive. After that I would think it is time to replace the drive. the service manual is available online Here are a couple of links that may be of interest One and one more. Good Luck to you and let us know how it is progressing.

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Thanks for the advice, i've just remembered i've got a friend coming round next week who is a computer wiz kid so i may leave it and see if he can do anything, he's less likely to damage it permanently!

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

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