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2018년 10월에 Google에서 출시한 3세대 Pixel입니다.

105 질문 전체 보기

Phone not working after screen replacement

After a screen repair at my shop, my technician informed me the phone was not turning on. It's only charging at .4 amps. We were able to get it to come on with a factory restore but it have us an error halfway through the process. Apparently there is some kind of fix where you first run the battery down to zero but I would love to hear a success story from somebody here. We are not having any luck.

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This may sound silly but have you made sure the I/O daughter board cable that goes to charging board and logic board is not plugged in reverse?

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Darcy Patko 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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