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85 질문 전체 보기

Bosch PSB 1800 LI-2 Drill sparks and stops when on full power

Hi, I bought a Bosch PSB 1800 LI-2 Cordless Combi Drill a year ago, a few weeks after I bought it when I fully pressed the trigger the motor would spark and the drill would stop. I lost the receipt so couldn’t take it back. Yesterday I bought the same drill (without the batteries) from Amazon, it does exactly the same, fully depress the trigger the motor sparks and the drill stops. The drill works fine IF I don’t fully depress the trigger. The batteries are fully charged. As this is happening in both drills is it supposed to happen?!!

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@klaw0306 you do have the receipt for the second one don't you? Did you ever fill out the warranty cards, if so you don't need a receipt, just send it back to the factory on the first one. On the second, take it back to the store and buy another brand!

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FWIW, if I purchase a drill that stopped whenever I fully depressed the "trigger", my immediate reaction would be to require immediate replacement with full functionality of said unit or a full refund with compensation for shipping costs (at the very least) added to the monies owed if they stipulate that the unit in question be shipped back to them.

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Thanks, but as stated in the post: I would have done if I had the receipt !

@klaw0306 What the heck does your reply have to do with your statement " Yesterday I bought the same drill (without the batteries) from Amazon, it does exactly the same, fully depress the trigger the motor sparks and the drill stops"

Time to do a reality check before replying please!

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