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A1708 / EMC 2978 — 2016년 10월 출시, 이 기본 레벨 MacBook Pro는 (OLED Touch Bar가 아닌) 기존의 function keys를 유지합니다. Function Keys 버전은 Intel Core i5 및 Thunderbolt 3 포트 2 개를 포함합니다.

216 질문 전체 보기

Why my display has red,green changing stripes which happened suddenly?

Hi please see my mac book pro A1708 late 2016 display problem by attached youtube video. I have checked by diagnostic tool. That is ok. It means no GPU problem. So problem could be either from Ribbon/display Cable or Faulty LCD screen. Can u pls see the vdo from the link below.


for my problem. I just take the vdo from my mobile. Will be very helpful if u please suggest me how can I repair it very cheap

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Please hook it up to an external monitor or HDMI TV to confirm the problem is confined to you display.

It’s an Apple product and there are very few display cheap fixes on the Retina Models.

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Yes I did already and by HDMI it is ok. Do u have any other idea?

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Md. Rayhan Khan 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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