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The PlayStation 3 (or commonly known as the PS3) is the third home computer entertainment system produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, and the successor to the PlayStation 2. It was released November 11, 2006

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Why ps3 saying file system currupted?

when i turn my ps3 on it reads hard disk's drive file system is currupted and will be restored tried restoring it, it did the samthing try like 2 more times nothing happens

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Boot the system to the recovery menu, and restore it manually. However, there's a chance that all data on the system will get wiped, so keep that in mind. Boot it to the recovery menu by turning it off, then holding the power button down until it has beeped three times, and shut down. Then hold the power button down again until it beeps twice and then double-beeps. A message should come up on the screen telling you to connect a controller with a USB cable. Do so, then select "Restore Default Settings." When the process completes, reboot the console, then boot it to the recovery menu again and select "Restore File System." Reboot it and boot it to the recovery menu one last time, and select "Rebuild Database." Reboot the console, and see if it boots to the XMB (Home Screen). If it still gives you an error, it's hard drive has most likely died, and will need to be replaced.


The Recovery Menu Will Look Like This:

Block Image

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Did all that, but when I got to the connect USB and press Ps button to go to safe mode, I pressed the ps button severally but nothing happened

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