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56 질문 전체 보기

Is hakko FM 2027 good enough for micro soldering?

Or should i buy fm 2032? The thing is FM-2027 has a much larger tip range, and it also has 0.2mm tips. FM-2032 is smaller in your hand, but is it such a large inconvenience?

My supplier currently has a very good price for a set of FM-203 with 2027 soldering iron and micro tweezers, thinking of buying it.

What do you guys think?

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So the only difference is ergonomics?

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I’ve been using the 2027 soldering irons and they are great, I don’t really see much benefit to using a smaller soldering iron handle other than ergonomics, might be better on your hand if you plan to solder for more than a few hours a day.

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