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모델 A1297 Unibody: 2009 상반기, 2009 중반기, 2010 중반기, 2011 상반기 & 2011 하반기

545 질문 전체 보기

Are this model's logic boards interchangeable

Now I know, it was not an opportunity to purchase a MacBook Pro 17", i5/2,53 GHz, Mid 2010 in 2016. I got it at a good price without knowing the problems of this particular model. Now I have problems that can't be fixed and I have to change the motherboard. I found that the same MacBookPro6, 1 model comes out with more than two models of motherboards and one of them has an Intel i7 processor.

  • Can I use this motherboard (i7) for my own MacBook Pro 17"?
  • Uses the same openings for the input ports?
  • Does it have the same holes for the screws that support it into the enclosure?
  • Can I use the same as before internal HD and SSD?
  • Can it work with the same fans model?
  • With the same battery model?

Please Advise!

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Maybe we can fix the problems that you can't, there a lot of wisdom and experience here. How about telling us about it first?

@mayer My dear friend, thank you for your concern.

The machine, due to overheating (95-96 centigrade), probably damaged the left built-in loudspeaker and all audio inputs except the built-in microphone. It does not recognize a microphone on either the USB port or the 3.5 mm coaxial mixed headset/microphone port. I have audio output on both headphones, USB and built-in loudspeakers(distorted). Microphone, just the built-in.

I plan to buy a new logic board and using TG-Pro, I recently discover, keep the temperature bellow 85 degrees. I guess this maximum temp will be fine.

That's all

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선택된 답변

Go here and to Parts, there are six interchangeable logic boards:

  • MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Mid 2009) 2.8 GHz Logic Board
  • MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Mid 2009) 3.06 GHz Logic Board
  • MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Mid 2010) 2.66 GHz Logic Board
  • MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Early 2011) 2.2 GHz Logic Board
  • MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Early 2011) 2.3 GHz Logic Board
  • MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Late 2011) 2.4 GHz Logic Board

MacBook Pro 17" Unibody Logic Board Replacement

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댓글 2개:

Yes Mr. Mayer, you were very helpful and thank you.

None of the above mentioned logic boards (especially 2.3 and 2.4Ghz) is available at the moment. I have to continue my investigation. I know what I am searching for now. And last, but not least, I found the best source to purchase the necessary tools.

Thank you Mr Mayer!

Be Well


Really looking for interchangeability of

2006 mid year MacBook Pro 17" 2.33 GHz Logic Boards

2007 mid year MacBook Pro 17" 2.4 GHz Logic Boards

2008 early year MacBook Pro 17" 2.6 GHz Logic Boards

as well

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