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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, also known as PS4. First announced February 20, 2013 and released November 15, 2013.

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PS4 will randomly lose WIFI connection and then will reconnect

It normally happens while playing online games, it will have a notification pop up and say “WIFI connection lost” but by the time the notification pops up, I can rejoin a party and reload into a game. It will randomly lose connection and I already applied new thermal paste because I thought the problem was caused from overheating. Is it my WIFI antenna?

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I have this problem to but only minecraft so I use shaw bluecurve and it disconnects every 4-5 minutes and my mom says its just the celltower/internet service provider and i try to do everything there is to do to try and fix it but nothing will work please help thank you

Did you find away to fix it ? Because I’m having the same problem & nothing seems to work

Im having this problem now, it started with Netflix etc last week but today games to, everything in household works fine on wifi

I’m having the same problem and it’s only this one ps4

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2 ways to find out without opening the console. Either try another ps4 in the same location to rule out a wifi signal issue or interference or you can take the ps4 somewhere else with wifi and see if you run into the same issue. The antennas dont really go bad unless the console has physical damage. Also check the speeds when you do the internet test. If they are low, move the console closer to the router and see if its improves.

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댓글 10개:

The wifi works on every device but this problem only occurs on the PS4. I turn all wifi devices off while I play and it won't help much. Could a connector go bad? I've had this console for years. I'm not sure but the lan port doesn't work either

Thats why i mention putting another ps4 in the same location, what if something near the tv is causing interference in the wifi. Other devices would not experience the same issue. Regarding the connector no they dont go bad. Only time ive had to do wifi repairs are on consoles that were dropped, stepped on or liquid damaged.

Had this too not long ago. Lost the wifi connection randomly, and didn’t moved the PS4 at all. Happend to me when I connected the VR. Do you also have the VR ? I updated the console and the VR and this fixed it for me.

I do not have VR. It started off during Mlb the show game and then carried over to all games

If I had another PS4 I wouldn’t need to fix mine, it’s never been moved in 2 years and this problem just started with the last couple months @ripper

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The same happens to me it’s just that I have to test my internet connection to get back in, I just wanna know why though?

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점수 3

댓글 3개:

Can you test the connection mid game in pause to gain more time?

Can you test the connection mid game from the pause menu to gain more time? Sometimes ranked season games go over 30 minutes

Did you find a solution to that?

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I have the same issue. I tried everything on all forums I could find to fix this issue. Moved rooms, wired connection, disabled auto wifi select, port forwarding, MVZ, changed routers ($500 Asus and $350 netgear), changed modems, and tested another ps4 for 1 month with no wifi issues. This issues does not happen to any other devices in my house. I recently shipped my PS4 Pro to Playstation to do a warranty repair after spending many hours trying to fix the issue. The issues is random and hard to explain to Playstation support team so I wrote a 1 page paper explaining the issue. It took 1 month to get my PS4 Pro back. It still have the same issue….. The issues could not be replicated because it is random. They did not replace the internet adapter hardware. I am sending it back…. Very mad.

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댓글 4개:

It’s not my WiFi because other people in the house have ps4’s and their fine with the internet and it just started happening since I got this new ps4 about 8 months ago so I think it’s just my PlayStation, but I’ll figure it out soon.

And go figure I really only lose connection playing EA Games but maybe my PlayStation just is allergic to EA

Same I dropped out of apex matches when my roommate turns on his PlayStation. And the after that it works. But I always lose connection initially

same issue, disconnects me from madden games, I test my internet and its fine. my brother has a ps4 in which his never does this and even my other brother’s doesn’t when he comes home from college. I don’t understand what’s wrong

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Ive been having the same issue, but it normally happens when I use my hotspot from my phone. I connect it and once it connects it disconnects immediately and reconnects. It does this non stop. I’ve tried my hotspot on multiple devices including 4 other ps4s and they all work fine and never lose connection. I’ve restarted my ps4, reset the wifi settings, ive done everything I am able to do and nothing works. All I can do now is take it to a shop to see if they can diagnose the problem. Which is probably internal.

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Hey did you ever get it fixed? I’m having this problem rn, I just wanna play my game

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Just wanted to also say I’ve been having this exact issue. Since buying this new PS4 from Sony last February. It is random and sometimes i can play for hours no problem then I'll have to “test connection” to get it back. I can go hours without it happening on some days. Other days it may happen 2 times in about 4 hours or more of gaming. I cannot hard wire it to router. Doesn't seem to matter as it is happening to both WIFI and LAN connections.. Those are separate on the board internally… This has to be a System Software issue. Its a bug.. That's stems from last springs PS4 system update not sure on the the version number. They must of updated some type of firmware that hasn’t changed since that time for network devices. Since the summer and fall system updates one of which that just passed hasn't fixed it.

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Hey, i also been having my connection randomly drop, while playing MLB the show, im the only with out of my friends that has this issue with the game, my brother plays fortnite all day and doesnt have issues, except for occasional lagging, i even connected a enternet cable to see if it would help, but nothing worked. All my other devices work fine and i even updated the router

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댓글 3개:

Mine is a brand new console and it constantly loses connection. The router is max speed through xfinity and it’s close. My old console did the same thing so I think it’s just a ps4 issue! Not real happy with this.

Mine too!! Just bought it and my connection constantly drops /:

Gees us just bought ps4 dropping right in the middle of gauntlet. Fook me i am pissef. Elf my elf. Lol

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I'm right next to the wifi and still losing s signal

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same issue with me.

I thought it can be solved via a wifi repeater which has a lan-connector also for no-wifi devices. So i thought to connect the my PS4-pro via lan-cable to the repeater. But some guys write that they hat problems also when connecting via LAN…

That sounds to me to be an issue deep within the network-driver of the PS4 which occures randomly with timing and network load, don’t you think?

btw i do not play COD but i have the connection losses also and they appear all 2 mins when browsing the PS-Shop…

though: have fun folks!


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댓글 2개:

Works thanks gotta change from automatic to 5ghz or 2.ghz have not lost connection not once

How do you change it to 2.ghz please is that on the PlayStation?

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Found a fix for this bug. I havent been disconnected for days after setting up my Wi-Fi connection to only use the 2.4ghz instead of the 5ghz. It may be a little slower on the speed test but it doesn't lose connection. Tried this after my last post days ago and its worked. I don't even notice a difference in the speed for loading games into online modes. Hope this helps everyone that's been frustrated with this issue. Try it out you wont be disappointed.

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My ps4 pro is not connecting because I tried it and it said network lost ? i hope you can answer the question I’m answering to your have a grateful day ?

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댓글 1개:

Ps4 having the same problems

This looks like its product problem

And its not fit for purpose as some of ps4 are new its been an ongoing for a while if its under 5 years in New Zealand

Take copy's of few of the comments

Return the ps4 to the supplier and tell its not fit for purpose and don't take no for a answer

This is a Sony problem!!!!!!

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It is an update issue and they want you to buy the new PlayStation 5

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xbox way to go over wasting money o. Sony products they have lost there way

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It's not let me get it getting into my PlayStation

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