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더 커진 Samsung의 주력 핸드폰. 2018년 3월 출시.

130 질문 전체 보기

Cracked front screen and digitizer doesn't work

How do I get the front screen and the digitizer replaced and cost of both

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Here’s a link to the ifixit Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus Display Replacement guide.

This shows how to replace the display assembly on the phone. Note the degree of difficulty in doing the repair

Listed with the guide are the parts required and their cost.

Unfortunately ifixit does not have the replacement display assembly part at the moment, it is out of stock, so suggest that you search online for LCD Touch Screen Display Digitizer Assembly+Frame For Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus to get results for other suppliers of the part that suit you best.

If you find that doing the repair yourself is too daunting a task, contact a reputable, professional mobile phone repair service and ask for a quote. You will already know the cost of the parts.

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What's underneath the foil and does that have to be replaced or disconnected. I have a bronze foil on top of the black thing and have to get the screen with Digitizer.

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