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Samsung Galaxy S9은 모델 번호: SM-G960XU로 식별됩니다. 2018년 3월에 출시된 9세대 Samsung Galaxy Series 입니다. 색상은 라일락 퍼플, 미드나잇 블랙 및 코랄 블루가 있습니다.

141 질문 전체 보기

company says the phone is on the black list

I buy a galaxy s9 on market place , when I send the IMEI to the company says the phone is on the black list, what can I do with? Can I use it an order country?

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Blacklisted Phone have or STOLEN/LOST Report or UNPAID balance with the Service Provider, United States of America is working to prevent this kind of situations and all Phone Companies will block that Phone.

Since a few years ago Phone companies are working together worldwide if the target Country is part of Worldwide blacklisted Program, you can’t use it there too.


You can change IMEI/Serial Number and you can re-use it.

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